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5 Nays

Silverback icon walk thru
A walk through of how Hicksdesign created the impressive Silverbackapp gorilla icon image.
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6 Yays
4 Nays

Mastering Your WordPress Theme Hacks and Techniques
Throughout this article, we will focus on many WordPress Theme hacks, ideas, tips and useful tutorials you need to have ready in hand when developing WordPress websites.
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3 Yays
3 Nays

Potential Add-Ons for Web Designers
Most web designers and web design firms have an interest in finding alternate sources of revenue in addition to providing design and development services for clients.
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7 Yays
7 Nays

IzzyMenu - Free CSS Menu Builder
Create professional CSS/DHTML Menu in a minute.
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9 Yays
4 Nays

FlowPlayer - Free flash media player
Highly customizable media player. Change the player's colors to suit the color themes of different web sites. Support flv, swf, mp3, mp4, H.264 video, jpg and png.
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4 Yays
8 Nays

48 Ultimate Web 2.0 Styles for Fireworks
Styles are useful commands in Fireworks that apply Stroke, Fill, Effect and Text attributes to an object.
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0 Nays

Google Blog: How we improved performance on Google Code
Google developers share some tips on how they improved the loading time of by tinkering with the JavaScript, CSS, and images on these pages.
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2 Yays
12 Nays

Drop Caps image style
A rather creative twist to regular CSS Drops Caps, by using an image.
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1 Yays
5 Nays

Google Ad Manager beta
Currently in beta, Google Ad Manager lets you serve and track ad banners on your site for free.
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4 Yays
8 Nays

The Powerful guide to master Your WordPress
Introducing The Powerful Guide to Master Your WordPress Blog, a four-part series of tips, tutorials, hacks, themes, plugins and best practices from the World Leading WordPress web-developers.